Last weekend I went on a self-indulgent journey - my dear friend Bonnie, new friend Michelle and I drove to Jackson, TN for a painting workshop by twin sisters Carole Foret and Claire Kayser. It took place downtown in a chic gallery called "Art On a Hot Tin Roof." We spent the entire time painting, laughing, learning, eating, (shopping), gabbing, etc. No kids to tote to soccer, no laundry and no meals to cook. I tried to a grasp a looser, more impressionistic painting style, but I have to keep working on it. This entire adventure motivated me to get busy painting again, so look for more painting posts to come! Things I learned:
1. Filberts are friends.
2. Mistakes are opportunities for texture.
3. Conquer fear of white canvas by toning it first - I now keep a blank one beside me when I'm working on a painting, and I wipe excess paint on it. Less wasted paint. Even my daughter enjoys doing this for me!